Parent and Student Ministry Expectations

Parents and ministry should work together, something like peanut butter and jelly. Understanding is the key to success, the role of the Resurrection Student Ministry and you, as a parent is a great place to start. Here are five basic expectations you should have of us and five expectations we should have of you as a parent.


5 Basic Expectations You Should Have Of The Resurrection Student Ministry:


  1. We will teach your child the Bible with intention.

A healthy student ministry should be built around a comprehensive, age-appropriate strategy designed to help each child understand the Bible and know the gospel. Teaching moral principles from the Bible is a good start, but it’s not enough. A scope and sequence that focuses on Jesus and the gospel is essential.

  1. Keeps your child safe.

Every child should be protected by layers of security that include limited access to the student ministry area, security labels for children and parents, pagers or another system for emergency contact, adequate staffing, secure exits, and planning for fire and medical emergencies. No church is too small to employ comprehensive security measures.

  1. Loves and accepts your child.

It is vital that your child associates positive feelings with attending church to encourage long-term church involvement. Every child should be showered with love when he or she arrives at church.

  1. Offers well-rounded activities.

A good student ministry understands that children have spiritual, emotional, social, and physical needs and will meet those needs in balance. Look for a combination of activities that gives your child the opportunity to learn about Jesus, have fun, make friends, and develop as a person.

  1. Communicates clearly and effectively.

The ministry leaders should inform you of what your child learned and what activities are coming up. Ministries today should use a combination of mailings, emails, websites, blogs, and text messaging to keep you informed.


5 Expectations We Should Have Of You As A Parent:


  1. That you will disciple your child.

The Bible clearly instructs parents to disciple their own children. What a child experiences and learns at church should echo what she is learning at home.

When parents abdicate this responsibility, the student ministry is forced to play a role God did not intend and gospel effectiveness will decrease. Free the ministry to do what God designed it to do. Need help? Ask your student ministry leaders. They would love to help you.

  1. Participate in the ministry.

Just because you’re the primary discipler doesn’t mean that the student ministry is unimportant. Be actively involved in your student ministry. Many parents make prioritize sports, community organizations, and other activities over church. Help your child to value God by valuing participation in church. Furthermore, please abstain from using church or ministry participation as a punishment for your child. It sends the wrong message.

  1. Follow the ministry’s policies.

Your student ministry has policies for a reason. While some policies may not seem important to you, resist the urge to bend the rules. Policies are strongest when everyone follows them equally. Besides, it’s important to model respecting authority to your child.

  1. Volunteer.

Some parents believe that church is “their time” and have no problem handing off their child to the student ministry. As a result, many student ministry leadership teams are stretched thin and are wearing themselves out. If each parent involved in the ministry volunteered, the worker pool would be large enough to prevent this. Commit to volunteering on a regular basis, at special events or at least once a month.

  1. Support the student ministry leadership.

Make it your goal to be the ministry’s biggest fan. Affirm the leadership team whenever possible and when you have questions or concerns share them directly with the ministry director or youth pastor. Encourage other parents to do the same. Above all, pray for the ministry and leaders.


If you have any questions, please contact us at



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