Vision 20/20 is about leaving a legacy that will surpass everything we’ve accomplished as a church in the past 35 years. Habakkuk 2:2 reads “Write the vision and make it plain upon the tables, that he may run that readeth it.”
When Resurrection was organized in 1983, it was established on the belief that a church should be relevant, serving God should be exciting, and people should be as important to us as they are to God. That was the dream. That was the vision. That was 35 years ago. Since then Resurrection has been painstakingly putting forth every effort to make the vision plain.
What we are experiencing daily is the results of what was once a dream. In order to build upon the dream and solidify the legacy of “making a difference,” We must raise through existing savings and capital campaigns 4 million dollars to do at least two things:
- Pay down the debt of our Redland Oaks campus.
- Renovate, modernize and expand both campuses to meet the current and future needs of our church.
We are completely out of adequate space for our children and students. We have out grown our office administrative space. We are maximizing the use of our worship centers at both campuses for baptisms, weddings, funerals, events and worship services. As a result of your generosity, we have a significant amount of money to seed our needed renovation and expansion needs. The challenge of Vision 20/20 is a three-year commitment to raise no less than 4 million dollars beginning April 2019 and concluding at the end of 2021.
Hearing God’s word and responding is a supernatural process throughout Scripture. When man gives to God first, God invokes his divine favor and provision. Matthew 6:33 (NLT) says,
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
Our Church reflects the dynamic image of God’s glory for all of Schertz/San Antonio and the world to see when we sow seeds of making the kingdom of God our primary concern. That’s what Vision 20/20 is all about. Sowing a seed and reaping a harvest.
Here is an absolute fact More people, more needs. We are not in a crisis. What we have before us is a challenge. We are at the precipice of a defining moment. We need you to begin asking God how He wants to use you to help us usher in another wave of growth and development that will continue to make a difference in our world.